Camp Emunah
In 1953, with the guidance and bracha from our Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda OB"M and his wife Rebbitzen Chave Hecht OB"M established the first Chabad girls overnight camp.
Camp Emunah had the great honor of having the Lubavitcher Rebbe visit camp on three occasions. Emunah quickly became the most sought-after summer experience. Emunah accepted tens of thousands of Jewish girls from all backgrounds, establishing an open-door policy where everyone feels welcome.
Seven decades later, we continue to preserve the highest standards of ruchnius and ahavas yisroel. There is a strong spirit of camaraderie amongst the campers and staff. For two months of the summer, Emunah becomes a family. It provides a place for Jewish girls to have a fun-filled summer experience and create childhood memories that last a lifetime.
JR - Grades 3 -7
Bas Mitzvah - Grade 6
Teen - Grades 8 & 9
Traveling Shluchos - Grade 10
Waitresses - Grade 10
Sunshine Circle - Special needs integrated program Ages 10 -15
Camp Emunah alumnus spans the entire globe as leaders in
the Chabad Lubavitch movement inspiring a new generation of Jewish activity.